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Health & Wellness Blog by Susan Saloom

Natural Healing & Biomagnetism

Online 'Tapping' for Weightloss with Susan by Susan Saloom

Dieting only goes so far and if you continually struggle with your weight, then the chances are there are deeper energetic reasons for that.  'Tapping' (Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) helps get to the underlying issues, read on to find out how ....

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what Does Energy EFT 'Tapping' Do? by Susan Saloom

We talk and tap our fingers on meridian lines in the hands and face and it releases stuck energy within us.  Each meridian has a function, for example, the stomach meridian (under the eyes) helps release fear and anxiety.  Read on to find out more.... 

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Happy 'Tapping' by Susan Saloom

We perhaps can't be happy all the time but we can certainly try! One of my tools for staying in the positive is Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, often known as Tapping.   If you don't know how to do it, come and learn with me...

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EFT 'Tapping for Kids' by Susan Saloom

It's never to soon to teach kids creative practices like meditation, visualisation & Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique).   It can really boost their confidence and help them to be happier & healthier. .. 

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Stuck in Old Patterns of Thought by Susan Saloom

We've all done this at one time or another -  filled our minds with someone who isn't there most of the time, or perhaps isn't there at all - a crush, a loss, a fantasy, an ex partner, an unpleasant colleague and so on.  But if our minds keep replaying patterns of thought which are not serving us in a positive way then it is very difficult to be in the present moment and direct our energy in a way that encourages happiness and progression.  So what can we do about it? 

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