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Health & Wellness Blog by Susan Saloom

Natural Healing & Biomagnetism

what Does Energy EFT 'Tapping' Do? by Susan Saloom

We talk and tap our fingers on meridian lines in the hands and face and it releases stuck energy within us.  Each meridian has a function, for example, the stomach meridian (under the eyes) helps release fear and anxiety.  Read on to find out more.... 

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'Tap' Away Anxiety in Troubled Times by Susan Saloom

When it's not possible to meet in person, Skype is a great alternative face to face option.  Emotional Freedom Technique 'Tapping', which is an amazing way to bring down anxiety and stress, works really well on Skype.  As does guided meditation, coaching, counselling and distance healing with Reiki and Biomagnetism. 

 So don't be alone at this time, for online appointments, connect with me at:  www.naturalhealing-biomagnetism.com   or Susan.Saloom1  on Skype or call me direct on 0044 7905 110966

We need more love and light in these troubled times, Susan xxx

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Addiction is Catching by Susan Saloom

We're probably all addicted to one thing or another, some more harmful than others!  But, if you're parents had addiction problems then there's a good chance you've 'caught the pattern'.  It doesn't always transfer like for like and the pattern often lies cleverly camouflaged in the addiction - whether it be gambling, drugs, eating, sex, bad relationships or an infinite number of other repetitive behaviours.  So how do you break the pattern?

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You are as Important as Anyone Else by Susan Saloom

How is that so many of us think that we are not so important as others? We often think others are wealthier, more intelligent, more beautiful, more capable and so on... We can be incredibly self limiting and this is likely to be learned behaviour.  So how can we change our patterns of thought?

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