Mindful Spring Cleanup

Most of us find it hard to let go of stuff don't we - I'm getting better at it though!  I love taking stuff down to the charity shop because I know someone will put whatever it is to better use.  And there's another angle to letting go of clutter, which I really benefit from and so can you - it allows more energy to flow freely around you, making way for new things to flow to you .  Having a cluttered living or working space is a total no no, it's self sabotaging.

Whilst you're at the 'big clean', be present and thoughtful in a good way.  Maybe the things you're letting go of have significance - be thankful for whatever you learned from that and focus your thoughts on what  you would love to come to your life.   Anything you want - new car, better job, more money, better health - whatever.  Keep it real though; this is about creative thought, creating your future - becoming manifest in your life.  

So be clear on what you wish for, as they say!  Be in your conscious mind, awake and mindful of what it is you do actually want to come to you.   We are ruled by our subconscious mind most of the time - on autopiliot, leaving it all up to fate.  But when you get the hang of creating your reality with your conscious mind, you'll realise that that is a much more awesome way to go and it gets results! 

So happy cleaning and creating.  
Love & Light, Susan


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