Online 'Tapping' for Weightloss with Susan
Dieting only goes so far and if you continually struggle with your weight, then the chances are there are deeper energetic reasons for that. 'Tapping' (Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) helps get to the underlying issues.
If you are new to 'Tapping' it's a method whereby we 'Tap' on meridian lines on the body and examine subconscious beliefs - for example, an inner narrative might be playing: 'I carry extra weight because it keeps me safe'.
No amount of calorie counting is going to change that if it's one of our deep rooted beliefs about ourself. That's why a healthy eating regime has to be accompanied by a deeper delve into why we can't shake the weight or we yoyo diet and so on...
If you would like to try it then msg me via I have discounts for online sessions during July and August.
With love and light,
Categories: EFTTappingweightloss