what Does Energy EFT 'Tapping' Do?
We talk and tap our fingers on meridian lines in the hands and face and it releases stuck energy within us.
Each meridian has a function, for example, the stomach meridian (under the eyes) helps release fear and anxiety. The gallbladder meridian (side of the eyes) helps release anger and resentment.
We follow a protocol of tapping points and thoughts and feelings come up as we go. It's amazing what we emotionally hang on to that keep us stuck and unable to move forward. EFT means emotional freedom technique so the clue is in the name!
Once we begin to let go of old patterns and beliefs, we can begin to change our inner narrative and mindset. The mind is like a hard drive, full of programs, both helpful and unhelpful. So we can liken EFT to an edit of our programming in order to help ourselves thrive.
Does it hurt? Tapping is an exploration of the self and so, yes, in an emotional sense it can be challenging but it's also very liberating.
We can tap for so many issues that we face - from anxiety to weightloss. All of the things we identify as problematic, tend to have underlying emotional foundations and patterns.
For example, food is not really the problem for overweight people. The weight is a symptom of an underlying emotional that we learned could (seemingly) keep us safe and soothed by food.
These patterns often begin in childhood. We self soothe in whatever ways seem to work at the time. So in the case of weight, dieting will only help in the short term if the underlying emotional reasons have not been looked at and released.
Thing is, somebody or something will press our buttons and we will automatically revert back to the eat/soothe program. The mind is not always helpful because it re-runs our programs automatically.
Good news is, we are more than our minds, we can change our minds, our inner beliefs, our programs and EFT is an amazing tool for doing just that. Try a session with me (on or offline) and see for yourself.
With love and light,
Email: [email protected]
Categories: EFTEFT Tapping