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Natural Healing & Biomagnetism

Health Blog and Gallery

Addiction is Catching by Susan Saloom

We're probably all addicted to one thing or another, some more harmful than others!  But, if you're parents had addiction problems then there's a good chance you've 'caught the pattern'.  It doesn't always transfer like for like and the pattern often lies cleverly camouflaged in the addiction - whether it be gambling, drugs, eating, sex, bad relationships or an infinite number of other repetitive behaviours.  So how do you break the pattern?

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Stuck in Old Patterns of Thought by Susan Saloom

We've all done this at one time or another -  filled our minds with someone who isn't there most of the time, or perhaps isn't there at all - a crush, a loss, a fantasy, an ex partner, an unpleasant colleague and so on.  But if our minds keep replaying patterns of thought which are not serving us in a positive way then it is very difficult to be in the present moment and direct our energy in a way that encourages happiness and progression.  So what can we do about it? 

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Fags or Vapes? Neither! by Susan Saloom

Quite apart from the obvious dangers of walking around with your head in the clouds, is vaping better than fags? In the longterm, definitely not.  But in the shorterm, vapers would argue that it's helped them quit the pernicious weed.  But they'll still be arguing anyway because they're still in the throes of addiction - only to the vape and not the fags?!  It's a bit like quitting fags and putting on 5 stone because eating cake replaced smoking. So how do you recover from addiction?

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