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Health & Wellness Blog by Susan Saloom

Natural Healing & Biomagnetism

Online 'Tapping' for Weightloss with Susan by Susan Saloom

Dieting only goes so far and if you continually struggle with your weight, then the chances are there are deeper energetic reasons for that.  'Tapping' (Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) helps get to the underlying issues, read on to find out how ....

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Day Retreats at Shooters Hill by Susan Saloom

Day retreats are a wonderful way of getting off the treadmill, without having to pack your bags and passport!  Join us for one of our day retreats at Shooters Hill, surrounding by beautiful views and ancient woodland. Here's what to expect.....

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Hello March by Susan Saloom

Spring is finally here and I have been reflecting on what I will leave behind in the darkness of Winter and what I will put my energy into as we go forward into the sun.  How about you?

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Happy 'Tapping' by Susan Saloom

We perhaps can't be happy all the time but we can certainly try! One of my tools for staying in the positive is Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, often known as Tapping.   If you don't know how to do it, come and learn with me...

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'Tap' Away Anxiety in Troubled Times by Susan Saloom

When it's not possible to meet in person, Skype is a great alternative face to face option.  Emotional Freedom Technique 'Tapping', which is an amazing way to bring down anxiety and stress, works really well on Skype.  As does guided meditation, coaching, counselling and distance healing with Reiki and Biomagnetism. 

 So don't be alone at this time, for online appointments, connect with me at:  www.naturalhealing-biomagnetism.com   or Susan.Saloom1  on Skype or call me direct on 0044 7905 110966

We need more love and light in these troubled times, Susan xxx

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Loving Yourself - Why is it so Hard? by Susan Saloom

Loving and caring for yourself is not selfish behaviour, it's essential behaviour.  So why do we tend to beat ourselves up with thoughts like:  I'm too fat, too thin, too unattractive, not clever enough, not confident enough, I don't have time for myself,  and so on....  We may also put others first long before we'll do anything for ourselves.  That's unsustainable in the longrun.  Strangely, many healers do this, hence the adage 'healer heal thyself'.   So why do we think & behave like this and what can we do about it?

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